I usually write nutrition articles for my website that address a specific topic or need within the ostomate community but, due to the multitude of variables amongst ostomates, and my need to cater for as many possible individual circumstances and scenarios as I can, my articles take a LONG time to write. Therefore, on this … continue reading
Avoiding a bowel obstruction at Christmas time
Christmas can be a fun time of year! There may be lots of festivities and social engagements, opportunities to catch up with family and friends, and wonderful food on offer. There can be a lot to celebrate and be thankful for during this time. Christmas can also present a few more challenges than other times … continue reading
Summer Special
It is summer in the Southern Hemisphere which is always a time of fun and greater freedom. We can enjoy the warmer weather and spend more time outdoors. Our summer season also coincides with Christmas, so there can be extra reasons to feel joyful. It is a special time of year! To find out more … continue reading
Let’s talk!
For some time now I have been supporting the nutritional and health needs of ostomates, firstly via consultations in my local area in Melbourne, Australia, and then through travelling to many different parts of Australia to give nutritional presentations. The presentations covered a range of topics and were presented to ostomy support groups, industry professionals … continue reading
Now you’re an ostomate, are you detoxifying effectively?
In today’s society we are exposed to more toxic chemicals than our predecessors. Unfortunately air, water and food can now all be sources of toxic exposure. We also generate toxins within the body as a result of normal metabolic processes. For greatest wellbeing, it is therefore important that detoxification capacity meets or exceeds toxic exposure … continue reading
Christmas: A time of festivity or fatigue?
Christmas is fast approaching, and this can mean different things to different people. For some it is a time of great significance with lots of joy and celebration, whereas for others it is just another day on the calendar. Similarly, for ostomates, Christmas can represent many different things. It may be a time of great … continue reading
Detouring into mental health
I am a nutritionist and in this forum I usually write about nutrition for ostomates. This topic is very important for the general health of ostomates and is a particular passion of mine. However, on this occasion I am going to digress from this topic to focus on another subject that is, in my opinion, … continue reading
Dietary solutions for lactose intolerance
Many people consult with me because they are experiencing diarrhoea or very loose bowel motions. For those who are ostomates, it is often assumed that loose output is a consequence of the stomal surgery alone. However, there may be other reasons for the loose output which, when rectified, can lead to more appropriate consistency of … continue reading
What’s your dietary dilemma?
I became a Nutritionist because I wanted to know what to eat. I’d had a difficult time with Crohn’s disease for many years and was at a point of experiencing a lot of fatigue and abdominal pain, which was making it difficult to work. I wanted to have more energy and generally feel better. At … continue reading
Peanut Butter or Vegemite?
During the course of a recent nutritional consultation, I had a discussion with a client that highlighted the dietary difficulty that is often experienced by ostomates – making a choice between the best food for health and the best food for comfortable stomal output. Sometimes the choice can be very straightforward and little consideration is … continue reading