Pasta refined food low residue

The pros and cons of a low residue diet

In my role as a qualified Nutritionist, I have attended many lectures, seminars, conferences and now webinars on diet.  And I have examined dietary guidelines and trends from many different perspectives. Some diets can be categorised as trendy fads that promote weight loss, for example, without concern for overall health.  Other diets, however, are developed … continue reading

Vitamin C orange juice nutrition

Are you consuming enough Vitamin C?

As the weather starts to turn cooler in the Southern Hemisphere and winter approaches, the chance of developing some sniffles or catching a cold or the ‘flu increases.  As a nutritionist, my thoughts naturally turn to the nutrients that can help defend against infection and assist the body to stay healthy during this time.  Vitamin … continue reading

Child laughing fun ostomate

Are you having fun?

That might seem like a silly question.  You might be thinking “I’m an ostomate – how can I have fun?”  However, the two don’t necessarily have to be mutually exclusive.   As an ostomate it is important to still find the joy in life, even if it is just in the little things. Stomal surgery can … continue reading