Supporting your immune system as an ostomate
I usually write nutrition articles for my website that address a specific topic or need within the ostomate community but, due to the multitude of variables amongst ostomates, and my...
Christmas can be a fun time of year! There may be lots of festivities and social engagements, opportunities to catch up with family and friends, and wonderful food on offer. There can be a lot to celebrate and be thankful for during this time.
Christmas can also present a few more challenges than other times of year. This is partly due to the extended range of foods on offer that, whilst delicious, may pose an extra risk for some people with a stoma.
Lots of Christmas recipes include a mix of dried fruit, for example, which could create a problem for people who are prone to a blockage. Christmas cake, Christmas pudding and fruit mince pies, for example, contain a lot of dried fruit and, even though the fruit has been soaked and softened, the quantity contained in a serving of these foods may prove to be problematic.
Many slices that are served at Christmas also contain dried fruit, as well as chopped nuts and coconut. White Christmas, Hedgehog, and Rocky Road are several that come to mind. These slices may not be part of your usual Christmas fare but, if they are, then I recommend consuming them in moderation.
That is not to say that everyone with a stoma needs to be cautious with Christmas treats. Many people with a stoma can eat these foods without any concern. However, for others who may have adhesions, strictures or inflammation in the intestinal tract as a result of surgery or ongoing disease, these foods can create more of a risk. Those who are elderly or who normally experience a slow transit time may also experience complications from eating a lot of these foods.
Thankfully, it is not essential to abstain from ALL the Christmas delights in order to avoid a blockage and a potential visit to hospital over the Christmas period. There are several strategies that can be implemented to create a greater level of confidence if eating these foods.
I will be discussing these strategies with a particular focus on Christmas food in my next live, online group presentation of “Let’s Talk About… Bowel Obstructions”. The details are as follows:
Factors within your control and strategies to reduce your risk.
This presentation discusses some of the factors within your control in relation to preventing bowel obstructions, and includes practical, simple and effective strategies that can help you to reduce your risk. Questions relating to the topic will be welcome at the end of the presentation.
Date: Tuesday 10th December 2019
Time: 12.00 pm AEDT (Check your local time here)
Cost: $45.00 AUD per person
Places are limited, so if you wish to participate in a group session, please register by using the ‘Book Group Session’ button below. To find out more about participating in online group sessions, click here.
Payment for group sessions can be made in the currency of your choice via PayPal.
More topics in the “Let’s Talk About….” series will be introduced in 2020.
If you are feeling anxious about Christmas and worried that you may experience a blockage over the festive season, then join me for this presentation. I will provide you with easy, daily strategies that will help you to have greater peace of mind during this time.
Wishing you good health and happy days, and lots of fun times during the festive season!