For those Ostomates not able to receive a nutritional consultation in person, an Outreach Consultation via video may be a viable alternative. These are private one-on-one sessions conducted over the internet and are available to English-speaking ostomates in all countries with compatible time zones. To participate in an Outreach Consultation, you will need access to a computer with camera and audio/sound and an internet connection. If you do not have these facilities, they may be available via your local hospital or community centre.
An Outreach consultation involves examining dietary intake as well as gaining detailed information such as age, medications, specifics of the surgery, other illnesses and general level of health throughout the body. Nutrient deficiencies and imbalances are assessed, with an aim to correcting these in order to create a greater feeling of vitality.
A nutritional consultation via video can be used to address a particular concern such as output issues, blockages or dietary challenges, or as an opportunity to examine general diet and lifestyle habits and learn ways to optimise overall health.
Common problems such as:
- dietary challenges,
- output issues,
- fatigue,
- low mood,
- poor quality sleep,
- weight concerns,
- reduced immunity
and much more are addressed with an aim to creating greater health and freedom.
Nutritional support is then provided via:
- appropriate dietary recommendations and recipes,
- education and mentoring around individual circumstances,
- tailored supplement support that addresses nutrient deficiencies that cannot be fully addressed via dietary measures alone,
- overall lifestyle and wellbeing strategies aimed at generating progress towards a more healthy and fulfilling life.
A summary of the consultation options and related fees for these services are outlined below.
Menu of Services:
Initial Consultation – $197.00 AUD (1 hour)
- An initial consultation provides the opportunity for us to meet and discuss your current stomal concerns in the context of your wider health history. We will discuss how you are managing with your diet and lifestyle and look at ways to increase your dietary diversity for greater nutritional intake. A treatment plan is developed with emphasis on immediate steps to move you forward towards a greater sense of confidence and ease.
Follow Up Consultation – $139.00 AUD (45 min)
- An opportunity to review your progress since the initial consultation and discuss any challenges you are experiencing with the treatment plan. Your dietary intake and supplemental strategy is reviewed with the aim of gaining clarity on potential causative factors for ongoing issues. Your treatment plan is extended with further steps to keep moving you forward towards your health and lifestyle goals.
- A package of three follow up consultations paid in advance which are available to you after your initial consultation. This package provides the opportunity to continue to discuss a wider range of topics over three consecutive consultations that can be scheduled at your own pace over three months. This option provides scope to carry out the dietary recommendations provided and gain insight into their impact on your individual goals and your overall health. Progress can be monitored and reviewed with the aim of refining and tailoring dietary guidance in subsequent consultations in order to continually move you forward towards a greater sense of wellbeing.
Payments can be made in the currency of your choice via PayPal.
Please contact me for further details.
Thank you for your extremely helpful advice. I feel at long last I may be able to understand how my system works – however inefficiently!
~ Mary H
Outreach Packages
An Outreach Package combines several of the Outreach Program options to provide a greater level of support and interaction over several days via a range of methods.
For example, a Nutritional Presentation may be combined with an Outreach Clinic in the one area to create a greater reach and reduce overall charges. From my experience many Ostomates are hesitant to talk publicly about their challenges in a group environment, and prefer private one-on-one sessions. An Outreach Package offers the option for individuals to decide the level of engagement and support that best suits them.
Please contact me directly for details if you would like to explore this option.